Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So this week I've been working on a sermon to be given in front of Salt Company. It's been really great meeting with God during these times and learning a lot. One of the most logical life altering things I've learned is this: God must increase, I must decrease. The idea of being humble before God who created the whole world and everything in it. Follow me here.

If a person is proud and they have a high view of themselves they don't need God. They are their own god or so they think. But a person in humility that understands just how small they are can understand just how big God is. Imagine a big < sign. As we make ourselves lower God is made bigger. We need to be humble or get humbled. The following is readings from Job as he gets humbled by God.

"Where were you when I lad the earth's foundation?"
"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place"
"Do you send the lighting bolts on their way?"
God proceeds to give it to Job asking him in Job 40: "Do you have an arm like God's.." Then humble the proud men and allow your voice to thunder. Crush the wicked and maybe we'll talk.

Job has a good response saying "I am unworthy" and "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand.."

The point of this is God is big. We can't begin to belittle Him or even worse build ourselves up. Apart from God what can we do? I mean really we've got nothing in comparison to the one who made it all and paid it all with Jesus.

That's apart from God. But what about being with God or having God in us?!? What then? Another post another day.

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